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A Brace In Bakewell.

Updated: Aug 9, 2022

A short, early-morning spin took me past this pair of historic losses.

The former Commercial Inn/New Inn on the A6 in Bakewell.

The first is to be found on the A6, Buxton Road, heading north out of Bakewell. Built in 1827 by Richard Arkwright jr. - probably not in person - on what was then called Mill Street, the Commercial Inn was run in its early years by Edward Rogers. By 1842 its name had changed to the New Inn, possibly with a change of landlord as the 1841 census has John Higgott in occupation and I can't find any reference to the new name prior to this.

Its life as a hostelry was pretty short-lived, closing at some point between 1864 and 1875. John Higgott was still there in 1861, but died in 1867. Perhaps the New Inn died with him.

The building is now in residential use.

The second is tucked away in Church Alley.

The former Devonshire Arms, Bakewell.

Devonshire House and the adjoining Chalice Cottage used to be the Devonshire Arms. I can find no mention of it in early directories, but the 1841 census has William Bramwell as an Innkeeper in Church Alley. By the time of the 1849 Post Office directory the establishment has a name and William is still there. When he died in 1858 his widow Milicent continued running the place but after she remarried in 1864 her new husband, William Hibbert took on the license. The newlyweds didn't say put for long as the Derby Mercury, on Wednesday, April 12, 1865 reports:- 'Bakewell Petty Sessions: ...The following transfer of alehouse licenses took place: The Devonshire Arms, Bakewell from William Hibbert to Anthony Naylor...'

After Naylor's death in 1872 a number of different folk took charge until in 1895 Bulmer's directory has his son, William, as the innkeeper. In 1899 however, the Derby Mercury reports on an inquest on William Naylor, landlord of the Devonshire Arms, which returned an open verdict – 'found drowned'.

Quite when it closed I don't know. It's listed in the 1911 census and is in the following year's edition of Kelly but that's the last trace that I've found of it. Like the Commercial Inn it's now in residential use.

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